In an ongoing effort to help the children residing at HFLW’s Harrington House, a group home providing a safe and supportive environment for children ages 8 to 15, backpacks and school supplies were given to the children to help prepare them for a successful year at school.

Children referred to Harrington House often have experienced traumatic events, disrupted attachments with caregivers, or have not had the opportunity to form initial healthy attachments. While living at Harrington House children are able to receive important services to stabilize their lives, encourage growth and help them heal. Treatment and services at Harrington House are individualized for each child.

A week before the school year began, representatives from the firm arrived at Harrington House and presented a backpack to each child in residence.  The firm was delighted to see the enthusiasm of the children as they chose their own backpacks, filled with age-appropriate supplies necessary to begin the school year well-equipped for education.  Although the firm supports The Home throughout the year in various endeavors, this is one of its most gratifying traditions.

HLW Backpacks 2018

Photo left to right (back row): Marianne LeBlanc; Ben Zimmermann; Rosa Guambana; Melissa Gianatasio; William Walsh; Nicolette Angelli; Sarah Yun; Neil Sugarman; David McCormack and (front row): Magdalena Fernandez and Yaslyn Villanueva