You may have noticed the “Take Justice Back” badge that we recently added to our website. The Take Justice Back movement was started in response to the now decades long fight against plaintiffs’ rights in the civil justice system, including Draconian tort reform measures, advertising and marketing campaigns that vilify tort cases and contracts and terms of use that require consumers to forego their constitutional right to a trial by a jury of their peers. Take Justice Back has created a website that allows people to learn more about the movement and about the actions of corporations, insurance companies and others that continue to negatively impact the rights of citizens throughout the country. We at SUGARMAN encourage you to spend some time on the site and educate yourself on the common myths about tort cases, tort reform measures in your state, and a host of other issues that will allow you to be better informed about the true price of tort reform.

The attorneys at SUGARMAN have the utmost commitment to our clients and to protecting their access to the civil justice system. Should you need our legal expertise, please fill out a Contact Form, call us at (617) 542-1000 or e-mail .