Sexual & Physical Assault
Giving voice to the injustice, anger and pain suffered by victims.
Victims of sexual or physical assault suffer a wide range of serious physical and emotional injuries that can, unfortunately, last a lifetime.
While the law in Massachusetts cannot undo the damage caused by such assaults, it does give victims meaningful ways not just to obtain compensation, but to hold accountable those responsible for the damage done. The personal injury attorneys at SUGARMAN have for years represented victims of sexual and physical assaults Massachusetts and in a wide range of factual scenarios which have in many respects been on the cutting edge of tort law. These cases have brought victims the monetary compensation they are entitled to under the law, as well as giving voice to the injustice, anger and pain suffered by the victims in the context of a civil lawsuit prosecuted and controlled by the victims.
Victims of assaults are often victimized not just by the abuser but by the negligence of those employing or controlling the abuser. In other words, while there may only be one abuser, there are a range of responsible people and entities that can, with careful and aggressive legal work, be held accountable for the damage done by the abuser. SUGARMAN lawyers are in a class of lawyers that have regularly and successfully handled such cases.
SUGARMAN lawyers know that the damages done by assaults of this nature are profound, yet difficult to quantify or describe. We are versed in the full range of emotional and mental injuries that frequently accompany a sexual or other assault. Our lawyers have the experience and resources to fully present these injuries by developing the evidence and using expert consultation and testimony. Just as important, we represent victims of sexual assault having regard for the particular and special mental and emotional issues which sexual assault brings upon these victims.
If you or a loved one has been a victim of sexual or physical assault, the injury lawyers at SUGARMAN are here to help.
Types of Sexual & Physical Assault
Physical Assault
Although these cases are often difficult due to a lack of insurance coverage for intentional torts such as assault, SUGARMAN's lawyers have successfully brought claims against legally responsible third parties such as bars, taverns, and liquor servers where the assailant has been over-served alcohol contributing to the assault.Learn More
Traumatic brain injury following assault
Settlement for gym patron who suffered a traumatic brain injury when an altercation in the gym continued into the parking lot. Plaintiff claimed that the gym’s negligent security and poor handling of escalating argument between gym patrons led to the assault and resulting head injury.
Assault to a woman in bar
Jury verdict for personal injuries sustained when a woman was punched in the face by a professional hockey player in a Boston nightclub. The woman sustained bruising and psychological trauma.
Christopher v. Father’s Huddle Cafe, Inc., et al., 57 Mass. App. Ct. 217 (2003)
After SUGARMAN obtained a historic jury verdict of $28M in this case involving the wrongful death of a 23 year-old male, the Massachusetts Appeals Court upheld the verdict against the defendant bar for its failure to provide adequate security measures.
Sexual Assault
Sadly, we too often investigate cases involving sexual assault or abuse. Victims can range from minor children to elderly residents of nursing homes. In some cases, our lawyers were able to hold both the employer and the perpetrator responsible, overcoming the traditional Massachusetts rule that an employer is not responsible for the intentional misconduct by an employee.Learn More
Hospital responsible for sexual abuse of patient
Settlement against hospital workers for a 12-year-old girl who suffered psychiatric injuries after she was coerced into unwanted sexual behavior with two female roommates in a locked child psychiatric unit at a Boston-area hospital.
Sexual assault by school van driver
Settlement from a school van driver's employer after a 13-year-old special-needs student was sexually assaulted by her driver.
Sexual assault in hotel
13-year-old boy on school field trip assaulted by hotel security guard. Settlement with hotel and security service.