Recent Wins for Clients

For over 60 years, SUGARMAN provided unmatched legal expertise and courtroom skill to those injured in accidents and their families.

Many personal injury firms try to impress prospective clients with dollar figures on their websites. We choose not to do this out of respect for both our past and future clients, and because each and every case is unique. We have maintained our hard-earned reputation for over 50 years, and believe it speaks louder than any flashing dollar amount ever could. No matter the type of personal injury case you are interested in pursuing, odds are that one of our lawyers has handled a case just like it. We invite you to take a look and see just a sampling of the outstanding results that SUGARMAN has obtained on behalf of its clients in complex personal injury claims.

Carpenter dies in fall at construction site

Settlement of wrongful death claims reached with a general contractor for worker’s death due to a fall in an unguarded area of residential home construction project.

Electrocution to construction worker on a residential construction site

Settlement of personal injury lawsuit for an excavation worker who was electrocuted while attempting to place caution tape over low hanging electrical wires.

Defective aerial lift control design

Settlement reached for an electrical apprentice working on the Big Dig. The worker suffered an abdominal crush injury and an esophageal tear because of a malfunction with the bucket controls.

Assault to a woman in bar

Jury verdict for personal injuries sustained when a woman was punched in the face by a professional hockey player in a Boston nightclub. The woman sustained bruising and psychological trauma.

Collapse of earthen containment dike at tank farm

Settlement for worker who fractured his ankle when walking on a dike that collapsed. SUGARMAN’s attorneys were able to demonstrate that the property owner had failed to perform needed maintenance and repairs to the dike.

Slip on ice by grocery clerk

Settlement reached for a grocery clerk who slipped on ice in the employee parking lot as he was leaving work for the day, resulting in quadriplegic injuries.

Defective product – Industrial plastic roll-stand

Settlement in product liability suit where the plaintiff suffered a workplace hand injury caused by roll-stand. The manufacturer of the machine had failed to properly guard a nip point with a barrier guard, light curtain, electric eye, trip wire, or presence-sensing device to prevent workers from coming into contact with nip rolls.

Car accident resulting in traumatic brain/closed head injury

Settlement reached for a mother whose closed head injury suffered in a car accident affected her ability to care for children.

Dentist’s failure to diagnose benign tumor

Settlement of medical malpractice lawsuit for 10-year-old patient whose tumor doubled in size as a result of delay in diagnosis.

Arbitration award for knee fracture sustained in car accident

SUGARMAN attorneys secured an arbitration award for a 54-year-old school teacher who suffered a fractured patella during an intersection collision.

Bicyclist killed by SUV at intersection crash

Wrongful death settlement against driver of SUV who struck and killed a 61-year-old man riding his bicycle.

Breast cancer – Misread mammogram

Medical malpractice settlement against radiologist for failure to properly read a mammogram and diagnose breast cancer in a mother of four young children.

Wrongful death following exploratory surgery

Settlement of medical malpractice lawsuit reached against surgeon in the death of 40-year-old patient who died from complications following exploratory surgery for infertility.

Construction site accident – Worker injured by concrete

Slab of concrete fell from ceiling of a building under construction causing serious injury to plaintiff. The contractor, mechanical engineer, and architect denied responsibility for locating and securing the slab. By starting with the original building plans from the 1900’s and working forward to the current renovations, SUGARMAN lawyers were able to prove the responsibility that each defendant had in causing the accident. The plaintiff recovered personal injury settlements from all defendants.

Car struck head-on by commercial truck

Settlement in auto accident lawsuit reached for driver and passenger who sustained fractures and multiple other injuries when the car they were in was struck by a commercial truck.

Bicyclist struck in crosswalk by ambulance

The bicyclist sustained severe and permanent injuries to his ankle and heel when an ambulance ran him over. The ambulance was not responding to an emergency and was driving toward an intersection within the speed limit. Through eyewitnesses and an expert witness’ reconstruction of the accident, SUGARMAN attorneys were able to demonstrate the bicyclist was within the confines of the crosswalk before the ambulance reached the intersection, thus proving the defendants’ negligence in the personal injury lawsuit.

Failure to diagnose slipped capital femoral epiphysis

Medical malpractice case settled during the appeals process after SUGARMAN attorneys obtained a jury verdict against a radiologist who misread the x-ray of 13-year-old boy who went to local emergency room with hip pain. The radiologist’s failure to properly read the x-ray resulted in a delay in treatment and significant and permanent injuries.

Failure to diagnose T-6 compression fracture

Medical malpractice settlement against physicians who sent patient home from hospital after a fall without diagnosing a compression fracture. The patient eventually was left paraplegic as a result of the delay in diagnosis.

Construction accident – Defective formwork

Product liability settlement reached against the distributor of TAR Waller and the general contractor for injuries sustained by a construction foreman who fell when loop on wall formwork broke.

Accident caused by generator on wheels detaching from truck

Settlement for injuries to driver who took evasive action to avoid a run-away generator that detached from the truck towing it. The driver was struck by another car while attempting to avoid collision with the generator.

Birth trauma – Failure to diagnose and treat placental abruption during labor

SUGARMAN personal injury lawyers settled an OB/GYN medical malpractice/wrongful death lawsuit after jury verdict in favor of our clients whose newborn child died because of negligent delay in performing a C-section delivery.

Union tunnel worker injured on job

Settlement for a worker who was injured when an auger hooked piece of rebar struck the worker in his leg, causing a tibial plateau fracture. The settlement was reached with the auger operator’s employer.

Defective apartment window screen

Settlement of personal injury lawsuit against the manufacturer and seller of the defective screen, and the landlord. A toddler fell out of a third-floor apartment window due to dangerous design, installation, and maintenance of the window screen, resulting in severe brain and orthopedic injuries to the child.

Asthma attack triggered by chemicals used during construction project

Settlement reached with a construction company that failed to ventilate a nursing home during renovations, causing a nurse to suffer a severe asthma attack.

Failure To Diagnose Melanoma

Settlement against pathologist who misdiagnosed mole as benign. Patient died of melanoma four years later.