Recent Wins for Clients
For over 60 years, SUGARMAN provided unmatched legal expertise and courtroom skill to those injured in accidents and their families.
Many personal injury firms try to impress prospective clients with dollar figures on their websites. We choose not to do this out of respect for both our past and future clients, and because each and every case is unique. We have maintained our hard-earned reputation for over 50 years, and believe it speaks louder than any flashing dollar amount ever could. No matter the type of personal injury case you are interested in pursuing, odds are that one of our lawyers has handled a case just like it. We invite you to take a look and see just a sampling of the outstanding results that SUGARMAN has obtained on behalf of its clients in complex personal injury claims.
Pre-trial personal injury settlement for young father who suffered permanent back injuries after a driver crossed a double yellow line into oncoming traffic near the Salem-Marblehead border. At the scene, the defendant driver admitted to the police that she became distracted while reaching for her phone, but claimed at her deposition that she never made that admission and that the plaintiff had actually crossed the double yellow line into her lane of travel. SUGARMAN’s lawyers were able to disprove these claims, in part through photographs taken at the scene, and the case resolved just before trial against the driver and her insurance company.
Recovery in a medical malpractice claim for emotional distress by parents of a baby born with a genetic blood disorder. The defendant doctor, a labor and delivery physician in the Boston-area, failed to review and inform the parents of the results of a routine blood test until shortly before the baby’s birth. SUGARMAN attorneys were able to settle the case for its clients before a lawsuit was filed.
Settlement for 35-year-old man and his child following surgeon’s failure to use proper technique during thoracic spine surgery, resulting in the patient’s being paralyzed from the waist down. The surgery took place at a prominent Boston hospital. The case settled following extensive discovery, and just before the depositions of the intraoperative neuromonitoring personnel, whose notes contradicted the surgeon’s timeline of the events that led to the patient’s injuries.
Recovery for the family of a 21 year-old man who died at a Boston-area hospital when an Emergency Department physician failed to establish an airway after the patient had a severe allergic reaction resulting in anaphylactic shock. The physician and others unsuccessfully attempted intubation multiple times but delayed placing a surgical airway, which would have prevented the patient’s death. Following extensive discovery over several years, the defendant resolved the case a short time before trial.
In the largest reported plaintiff’s personal injury settlement or verdict of 2022, SUGARMAN Principals Ben Zimmermann and David McCormack obtained a recovery on the eve of trial for a 26-year-old whose vehicle was struck by a tractor-trailer that hit and tipped over a temporary barrier dividing lanes of traffic in a construction zone on a highway in Central Massachusetts. Through years of litigation in federal court, SUGARMAN was able to demonstrate that the general contractor and engineering firm for the project selected a light-weight steel barrier that did not meet the project’s specifications and that the manufacturer of the barrier withheld testing and misrepresented the barrier’s characteristics. Compounding these errors, the general contractor failed to install the barriers properly and the engineering firm failed to provide instructions regarding how much room was needed on either side of the barrier to prevent intrusion into opposing lanes of travel. SUGARMAN’s experts demonstrated that the tractor-trailer was traveling at a low rate of speed with a small angle of impact such that a properly installed steel barrier (with several feet of room on either side) or an unpinned concrete barrier would have contained and re-directed the tractor-trailer and prevented it from entering the opposing lane of travel and striking the plaintiff’s car. The plaintiff was a healthy 23-year-old college student at the time of the collision. He suffered multiple fractures and injuries to his internal organs, ultimately rendering him paraplegic with an above-the-knee amputation of the left leg.
Arbitration award in excess of defendant’s policy limits obtained for 34-year-old Ph.D. student who suffered right shoulder and elbow injuries when he was struck by a car while riding his electric bicycle in heavy traffic in Boston. Following the collision, the plaintiff’s primary complaints centered around superficial injuries to his legs and right hand, but he subsequently developed significant pain in his shoulder and right arm. He underwent right shoulder surgery nine months after the accident and elbow surgery more than a year later. The defendant made a minimal offer, disputing both liability and causation, pushing the case to arbitration.
Substantial recovery in medical malpractice for a 14-year-old girl and her parents when, following removal of a benign brain tumor as a toddler, several doctors at a major Boston hospital failed for years to order any imaging studies to monitor the patient for recurrence of a brain tumor. While going without an MRI for over four years, the tumor recurred in the patient and grew undetected, resulting in permanent neurological injury requiring lifelong medical care. The case, which was one of the top 3 reported medical malpractice settlements in Massachusetts for 2022, resolved just before trial after SUGARMAN attorneys successfully limited the scope of the testimony of the defendant physicians’ medical experts at trial.
Pre-trial settlement for union ironworker foreman who suffered debilitating back injuries when the construction elevator he was riding in came to a slamming stop when an elevator mechanic attempted to override the elevator’s electronic safety system without realizing that the elevator was in operation. The foreman was working at the Lowell Justice Center construction project at the time and was rendered totally disabled as a result of his injuries.
Pre-suit settlement of claim made for a bicyclist who was chased by a dog on a bike path in Danvers, Massachusetts. The dog was not on a lease, chased after the cyclist and crashed into the cyclist bike – causing the cyclist to be thrown through the air off her bike and fracture her wrist when she hit the ground. The claim was brought against the dog’s owners under Massachusetts “dog bite” law.
Eve of trial settlement obtained for Chelmsford condo association resident who sustained an ankle fracture requiring surgery after she slipped and fell on ice at the complex. The snow and ice contractor failed to comply with its contract with the association that required the contractor to be on site every day to monitor the property and treat any snow and ice.
Recovery for a construction laborer who was injured when the ladder he was working on collapsed and landed on top of him resulting in severe personal injuries, including a catastrophic ankle fracture. In an attempt to escape liability, the defendant construction contractor denied that he employed the worker. Through discovery during the lawsuit, SUGARMAN attorneys were able to prove that the contractor owed a legal responsibility to the worker, which was confirmed through the obtainment of a Court Order.
Recovery for two New York residents who were struck by a car while riding bikes during a vacation on Cape Cod. One bicyclist suffered compression fractures in her spine and the other bicyclist suffered injuries to his back and other parts of his body. The defendant driver’s insurer resolved the case soon after SUGARMAN’s attorneys filed suit in federal court in Boston after turning down the insurer’s initial settlement offer.
Just prior to scheduled trial, SUGARMAN’s personal injury attorneys were able to obtain a substantial settlement for a patient who suffered catastrophic blood loss when the defendant surgeon pierced the patient’s aorta with a surgical instrument during a surgery to treat diverticulitis. The surgery occurred at a hospital near Worcester, Massachusetts. The patient’s blood loss led to the development of severe neurological injuries and personality changes that ended his work career and had a devastating effect on his marriage and family life.
SUGARMAN’s attorneys were able to obtain a pre-trial settlement for a 50-year-old public employee who was rendered totally disabled from work following a severe car accident. A commercial vehicle “t-boned” the employee causing him to sustain permanent back injuries requiring multiple surgeries. He was unable to return to work following the accident and surgeries.
Recovery for 30-year-old woman who lost her balance on an office stairway and was unable to catch herself because the building owner had covered the railing with a curtain, leading to her falling and suffering severe injuries. The client’s claim for personal injuries included her damages for bilateral elbow fractures that required multiple surgeries to correct.
Pre-suit settlement for vacationer who suffered a significant cut to his leg requiring surgery and an Achilles tendon tear when a piece of the stone slab broke away from the kitchen island in the beach house he had rented on Martha’s Vineyard.
SUGARMAN attorneys prevailed at arbitration on behalf of a cyclist who suffered multiple facial injuries requiring surgery. The cyclist was riding in Dedham when a vehicle driven by the defendant turned into him without warning, striking him and causing him to land on the hood of the car before falling to the ground. After a full hearing, the arbitrator found for SUGARMAN’s client and his wife, who had a loss of consortium claim, and awarded significant damages for both claims.
Settlement for gym patron who suffered a traumatic brain injury when an altercation in the gym continued into the parking lot. Plaintiff claimed that the gym’s negligent security and poor handling of escalating argument between gym patrons led to the assault and resulting head injury.
Recovery for client prior to the filing of personal injury lawsuit following a motor vehicle accident in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The plaintiff was rear-ended while stopped at a red light and sustained a detachment of his bicep tendon and other injuries. The recovery was against multiple insurance companies who provided coverage.
Significant pre-trial settlement for truck driver who slipped on a patch of ice at a property in Lynn, Massachusetts while she was making a delivery. Suit was brought against the property owner and the snow and ice contractor who had been hired to perform work during the winter.
SUGARMAN attorneys were able to reached a settlement during trial of a medical malpractice case on behalf of a now young girl and her parents. Weeks after her birth, the infant presented to a Boston-area hospital with respiratory distress. Despite showing signs of continued problems with breathing, the hospital staff discharged the infant home with her parents. Within 10 hours, the infant was found not breathing and suffered a severe brain injury due to lack of oxygen. SUGARMAN alleged through expert testimony that the infant’s brain injury would have been prevented or severely lessened had she been in the hospital when her respiratory condition became critical.
Post-discovery settlement for a runner who was struck by a work truck on the side of the road in Cape Cod. The runner suffered a severe ankle fracture requiring surgical repair and a lengthy rehabilitation.
Soon after initiation of a lawsuit bringing negligence claims under general maritime law as well as the Jones Act, SUGARMAN attorneys were able to settle the claim of a long-time marine vessel steward who suffered a severe patellar fracture requiring surgical repair followed by a total knee replacement. The steward had slipped on untreated ice on the deck of a vessel after arriving at work early in the morning.
Settlement of product liability lawsuit for the family of a young boy who was catastrophically injured when an aerial lift truck he was riding in tipped over due to a defect in its design. The young boy suffered severe brain damage that left him paralyzed and unable to speak or care for himself.
Settlement reached on behalf of a worker who fell 20 feet after being electrocuted, and needed partial amputation of his left arm and leg.