Recent Wins for Clients

For over 60 years, SUGARMAN provided unmatched legal expertise and courtroom skill to those injured in accidents and their families.

Many personal injury firms try to impress prospective clients with dollar figures on their websites. We choose not to do this out of respect for both our past and future clients, and because each and every case is unique. We have maintained our hard-earned reputation for over 50 years, and believe it speaks louder than any flashing dollar amount ever could. No matter the type of personal injury case you are interested in pursuing, odds are that one of our lawyers has handled a case just like it. We invite you to take a look and see just a sampling of the outstanding results that SUGARMAN has obtained on behalf of its clients in complex personal injury claims.

Death from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by defective furnace

Settlement of wrongful death claims for the estate of a 39 year-old live-in caretaker who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in the home of her employer, a 90 year-old woman, who also passed away at the employer’s Massachusetts home. SUGARMAN attorneys filed suit against the owner of the property, a trust that named the elderly woman’s son as trustee, for failure to have working carbon monoxide detectors. After obtaining a preliminary injunction requiring the trust to place all proceeds of the sale of the home into escrow, the plaintiff settled with the trust before pursuing claims against an HVAC company who negligently serviced and maintained the home’s furnace, which had improper ventilation. The estate settled with the HVAC defendant shortly after the claims were filed. The caretaker, a Jamaican immigrant, left behind three adult children.

Bicyclist struck and injured in hit-and-run accident

Settlement for 20-year-old Boston area college student who was struck by a car as he rode his bicycle home after dark. The operator of the vehicle left the scene but witnesses and the police tracked him down and criminal charges were filed against him. The bicyclist suffered significant lacerations and puncture wounds to his legs resulting in skin grafting as well as a fractured hand. SUGARMAN attorneys facilitated a settlement with the driver’s insurance as well as with the bicyclist’s own insurer through underinsured motorist benefits on an out-of-state policy.

Carpenter permanently disabled from work after construction site accident

Settlement for construction worker who tripped and fell on a dangerous condition at a construction project in Boston. The defendant general contractor at the jobsite failed to identify, mark and/or remove a tripping hazard left behind during the demolition phase of the project. The plaintiff was working as a carpenter and was caused to trip and fall over the hazard, resulting in bilateral rotator cuff tears that required surgical repair. Due to complications from his injuries and surgeries, the plaintiff was unable to return to his job as a union carpenter. SUGARMAN attorneys were able to obtain a favorable settlement of the case after mediation and just prior to trial.

Pre-litigation settlement for construction worker who sustained electrical shock

Settlement and favorable workers’ compensation lien reduction for worker who received an electrical shock and pursuant nerve injury on a construction site. The defendants failed to “de-energized” an overhead wire in the construction zone and the plaintiff’s shock occurred as he was helping to guide a fabricated roof hanging from a crane which came into contact with the wire. SUGARMAN attorneys were able to favorably settle the case for the worker prior to discovery and the expense of litigation.

Delivery truck strikes pedestrian

Settlement for 76-year-old man who was struck from behind by a delivery truck while walking on the side of the street in Brookline, MA. The pedestrian suffered facial injuries including an orbital fracture.

Medical malpractice – Patient sustains spinal cord injury as a result of surgical error

Settlement a week before trial on behalf of patient and his wife for permanent spinal cord injury suffered during placement of a spinal cord stimulator at a Boston-area hospital. The defendant surgeon ignored signs that part of the stimulator was compressing the patient’s spinal cord, both during surgery and in the hours following. By the time the surgeon acted to remove the stimulator, the damage was irreversible. The patient sustained a spinal cord injury at T-12 and was left essentially wheelchair-bound. SUGARMAN’s attorneys brought the case to the eve of trial before the insurer for the surgeon settled the case.

Settlement on eve of trial for worker who suffered an electrical shock and fall

Settlement against crane maintenance and repair companies just days before trial in Middlesex Superior Court for worker who fractured most of the left side of his body after receiving a shock from an overhead crane and falling approximately 25 feet to the ground below. The worker was in the process of repairing a railing when he engaged the remote control for an overhead crane he was using to hold the railing in place. He immediately felt a strong electric shock, lost his balance and struck the mid-section of the railing, which broke. He then fell approximately 25 feet to the ground and was emergently taken to a Boston hospital. Through discovery and depositions, SUGARMAN’s attorneys were able to learn that several of the plaintiff’s co-workers had previously received smaller electrical shocks and, in the weeks before the plaintiff’s fall, had reported them to one of the defendants who supposedly investigated, found nothing, and told the co-employees that it was safe to continue using the crane. After a failed mediation and vigorous pre-trial motion practice, the plaintiff settled against one of the defendants. The case then was fully settled several days before trial after the video trial deposition of the plaintiff’s medical expert.

Elderly patient falls during imaging study

Obtained recovery on behalf of an eighty-nine-year-old woman who was admitted to a southern Massachusetts hospital for cardiac evaluation. She was evaluated to be a significant fall risk, but when she was taken to radiology for an x-ray to confirm pacemaker lead placement, the radiology technician had her stand unassisted and she promptly fell. She suffered a facial laceration and an elbow fracture, which required surgery and physical therapy.

Wrongful death settlement for parents of 19-year-old

Settlement on behalf of family of a 19-year-old man who passed away by suicide after being wrongfully discharged from a mental health facility with a tentative diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder. Before discharge, the patient was sad, flat, and anxious about discharge and had been for days and his new antipsychotic medication was in flux and its effectiveness was in question. He was discharged for outpatient care and took his own life the following night. The family brought a claim for wrongful death against the facility and providers responsible for his untimely discharge.

Recovery for wrist fractures requiring multiple surgeries

Pre-trial settlement for a fifty-year-old woman who slipped on a patch of black ice in the parking lot outside the condominium where she lived in Plymouth County, fracturing her wrist and requiring two surgeries. Claims were made against the property management company and the snow and ice contractor who had been hired to perform work during the winter. The defendants initially denied responsibility claiming that the plaintiff fell between vehicles and that the area was not their responsibility, but ultimately resolved the matter prior to litigation.

Construction site – traumatic brain injury suffered after fall from ladder

Settlement at mediation for long-time construction worker who fell at jobsite suffering multiple fractures of his spine and shoulder. The plaintiff was employed by a subcontractor and the supervising contractor failed to provide him with a lift to perform work, instead giving him a ladder to work on an uneven surface. The worker lost his balance and fell 15-20 feet. He struck his head and sustained a traumatic brain injury resulting in well-documented mood changes and disfunction.

Premises liability – defective pedestrian path

Settlement after discovery for woman who suffered a displaced ankle fracture requiring multiple surgeries while walking on a worn path at an office building in Cambridge. During the case, the defendant property owner and property management company claimed to have no knowledge of the existence of the defective and dangerous path on the property. SUGARMAN’s attorneys, however, were able to demonstrate that the path had long been on the property such that the defendants should have known about it and that the defendants failed to take any steps to remedy or improve the path until after the incident.

Pre-suit wrongful death settlement for widow of victim struck and killed in driveway of Boston suburb

Settlement on behalf of family of 66-year-old professional who suffered fatal injuries when she was struck by a commercial motor vehicle while retrieving empty trash bins at the end of her driveway. SUGARMAN attorneys were able to quickly investigate the cause of the accident, obtaining a statement from a neighbor and information from the police, and were able to resolve the case on behalf of the decedent’s widow without filing a lawsuit.

Settlement after first day of trial for failure to diagnose cancer

Settlement against 3 defendants after the first day of a medical malpractice trial for family of woman who died following a lengthy delay in the diagnosis of her bile duct cancer. The patient underwent an ultrasound that revealed an area within the liver highly suspicious for cancer. The radiologist described the area in his report and noted the need for additional imaging to evaluate the area. Three of the patient’s doctors reviewed the report, but none of the doctors ordered the additional imaging and none informed the patient that the area could be a cancerous mass. Over 31 months later, the patient sought a second opinion and her cancer was diagnosed within weeks but it was terminal and inoperable by that time. Following jury selection, opening statements and the testimony of one plaintiff’s expert, the malpractice insurer for the defendants increased its pre-trial offer and resolved the case against its insureds.

Improper neck manipulation leads to thoracic outlet syndrome

Settlement on behalf of massage therapy client who developed thoracic outlet surgery requiring surgery after undergoing a massage therapy treatment. In violation of Massachusetts law limiting the types of manipulations that massage therapists can perform, the massage therapist performed an abrupt cracking of the client’s neck at the end of the massage. Later that day, the client developed radiating pain through her arms, ultimately was diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome, and underwent a complex surgery to improve her symptoms. The case settled after two failed mediations and just before the case was set to be tried in Middlesex Superior Court.

Doctors’ failure to diagnose post-operative brain fluid results in death of young girl

Settlement for parents of 11-year-old girl after her tragic and preventable death at a Boston hospital. Following laser surgery to remove a benign brain tumor, the child began vomiting and complaining of nausea that was not helped with medication. She later became extremely sleepy, and the nurse had to shake the patient in order to wake her up. The ICU team decided the patient’s symptoms were a reaction to the anesthesia and medication, and negligently failed to order any testing or imaging to rule out brain swelling or fluid buildup. Hours later the child became unresponsive. It was discovered she had hydrocephalus, a buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, and she developed severe complications as a result. The girl lapsed into a coma and passed away days later.

Motor vehicle accident – Arbitration award for rear-ended delivery driver

Arbitration award in excess of the defendant driver’s insurance limits obtained for 44-year-old delivery driver. The plaintiff was rear-ended when he stopped to make a left turn across oncoming traffic on the Mid-Cape Highway in Eastham. Following the collision, the plaintiff slowly developed progressively worsening back pain, treated with conservative measures, including physical and occupational therapy. The defendant made a low offer, disputing the causation and severity of the plaintiff’s injuries before the case was arbitrated and SUGARMAN’s lawyers prevailed.

Trucking Accident: Fuel Truck Rear Ends Vehicle in Slowed Traffic

Settlement on behalf of young husband and father who was struck from behind by a fuel truck during the morning commute towards Boston. The impact of the accident was severe and the plaintiff was diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage and two compression fractures in his lumbar spine. Although he did not undergo surgery, the plaintiff was rendered totally disabled from his physical job and still suffers from his injuries. After pre-trial motions were decided, SUGARMAN attorneys were able to resolve the case just days before trial.

Medical malpractice/wrongful death – Patient dies after radiologist fails to detect aortic leak

Pre-suit wrongful death recovery for wife of patient who died of an aortic rupture. The patient presented to a hospital north of Boston after experiencing severe chest pain and nausea. As part of his work-up, the patient underwent a chest CT scan. Although the radiologist interpreted the study as normal, the scan actually revealed a large hematoma surrounding the aorta which should have been highly suspicious for an aortic leak or tear. The patient was discharged to his home after a 3-day hospital admission. A week later, the patient died suddenly after collapsing. An autopsy revealed that the tear or leak had ruptured, resulting in the patient’s death.

Arbitration award for facial scarring suffered in car accident

In an arbitration of a car accident claim, SUGARMAN’s attorneys obtained a substantial award on behalf of a client who suffered facial scarring after he was hit from behind while stopped in his car at a red light in Brockton, MA.  SUGARMAN initially recovered the full amount of the insurance policy from the driver that struck the client before making a claim against the client’s own motor vehicle insurer through the policy’s underinsured motorist coverage. After rejecting the insurer’s settlement proposal, SUGARMAN’s lawyers obtained an arbitration award over 12 times more than the insurer’s offer.

Post-concussion syndrome following car accident

Settlement for 65-year-old nurse who was struck from behind in her car when a motorist lost control of her car on a public way in Peabody, MA. The nurse suffered from intractable headaches due to post-concussion syndrome and was unable to work for a period of over one year.

Shipping container falls off tractor trailer injuring woman

Pre-suit resolution of claim of 50 year-old woman against a national transport company and its insurer. The woman sustained permanent injuries when a shipping container fell off a tractor trailer and into her lane of travel on a road in Littleton, MA. She was unable to avoid the accident and her car collided with the container.

Dentist drops file down patient’s throat

Settlement for 50-year-old man who brought personal injury malpractice claims after his dentist caused a 3 cm dental file to drop into his throat during a routine dental procedure, resulting in surgery to extract the file, and lengthy hospitalization and permanent scarring.

Wrongful death following head-on collision

Settlement for family of 55-year-old woman who was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident on I-95 in Essex County. The defendant driver lost control of his car, crossed over a median strip and struck the woman head-on.

Medical malpractice – Orthopedic surgeon ignores signs of hardware failure

Settlement for a forty-six-year-old man following orthopedic surgeon’s failure to use proper technique during shoulder surgery at a Greater Boston hospital, resulting in the bending of implanted hardware. The hardware issue could have been quickly corrected without damage to the patient’s shoulder joint, but was instead ignored by the surgeon leading to breakage and the need for a significant grafting and repair surgery. The case settled during the initial stages of discovery, which is rare for a medical malpractice case.